Hoodia has received publicity in recent times for its natural appetite suppressant properties.

Where to buy desert burn hoodia A: Burn hoodia can be purchased at most home improvement stores, or you can grow your own. To own, simply order a large bag of soil from a nursery, and mix it with a compost. Once you have your mix, pour it on a bed of rocks and add a few ounces of water, and place your plant on the rocks. soil you use will determine the way plant grows (more on this later). The plant will grow and produce the hoodiales above in about a month. Q: I grew this plant in a container, and it didn't do well. Can I plant it in my yard? A: Yes it is possible, but remember that the plants do not like direct sunlight, and they will eventually outgrow the container. This is a slow and costly fix. Q: How do I know if my where to buy unique hoodia grow medium isn't working? A: When your hoodia doesn't have the hoodiales, you usually see plant starts to wilt and die in the middle of night. This may smell like rotting eggplant, but it is normal. You may notice the area where you planted hoodia growing smaller and smaller. In most cases this is a sign that the container is not getting enough light. Q: What should I use to water my plant? A: Here are the recommended watering schedules: -Water only when the soil feels dry, and plant is doing well. -Water only when the soil feels moist, and you are not watering it. -Water the plant after it has bloomed, and the hoodiales start to grow. -Water the plant every two weeks, or water more frequently when the soil feels dry, or when you are not watering the plant. -If you are growing your hoodia in a container, it will do where can you buy hoodia pills best if you place the pot in a with an inch or so of room in between the pot and lid. Q: Where can I get a hoodia-growing fertilizer or soil mix? A: Here are many sources: -http://www.chilis-growers.com/index.shtml -http://www.northernplant.com/index.html -http://www.horticulturist.com/plant.jsp?t=1212 -http://www.horticulturist.com/plant.jsp?t=1234

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